Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama Medicine bag

The Obama Medicine Bag is meant for protection of the President and the United States. Initially, I made one for myself so that I would be reminded constantly of the need to pray and keep good thoughts about our president, our country and the people. We are in a time of fierce need and change. It has never been more important to keep vigil over our future. With this in mind, I decided to make these for all of us who are taking an active spiritual part in this new era.

The Medicine bags are filled with sage (for purity), cedar (for eternity) and sweet grass (for joy), juniper berries (for good health), and crystal for (abundance). There is enough room to add your own items also.

The Obama Medicine Bags come with a prayer printed on a piece of parchment paper that can be folded and kept in the bag or placed in a separate location. The prayer is as follows: “Keep President Obama, his family, his staff and his supporters safe from harm. Help him guide us toward becoming a world leader in peace, justice and equality. Let him be inspired by divine thoughts and to bring these into action. Keep his mind on the hearts of the people. Help him to unite this country so we can live in harmony, joy and prosperity in the dawning of a new era.”

Each bag is hand painted with permanent ink on soft tan colored leather. Glass beads have been added as extra strength stoppers on the neck cord. This medicine bag has been made to last and will protect it’s contents. It is appropriate for both men or women. The bag measures approximately 1.75 inches wide by 2.5 inches long.

**** Note: All of the animal products such as leather, bone, feathers, etc. are purchased through legal distributors. No animal has been harmed for my art.

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